(Solving-Composing tournament of ECSC 2022)
Task: Complete the diagram with one or several pieces to get a correct problem with a unique solution for the given stipulation.
A correct problem: for direct problems and endgame – a problem with a unique key-move by White; for help-play problems – a problem with a unique sequence of half-moves fulfilling the given stipulation.
Pieces to add: a) any white or black piece (including/excluding Pawn); b) concrete white and/or black piece(s).
Format for 14.05.2022:
Participants: Open to all ECSC 2022 participants.
Skills: Solving skills (to assure the correctness of the problems without using computer),
imagination (in inventing solutions and correcting positions).
Difficulty and the content of solutions: Mixed, from easier to more difficult, and from banal to more or less artistic.
Writing and points: Solvers should give only one reply to each task. Correct reply scores 1 point.
Tiebreak criteria: The time used for solving.
Stipulations -> solutions to give:
- #2 (mate in two) -> give the unique key-move by White
- endgame (draw / win) -> give the unique key-move by White
- h#2 (helpmate in 2) -> give the unique sequence of all four half-moves
- h=3 (helpstalemate in 3) -> give the unique sequence of all six half-moves
More complex changes:
- twin / N solutions -> give solutions for each different added piece (Example 3)
- add several pieces to reach the given final position (Example 4)
Examples (see solutions with comments!):
Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

a) & b) twin-solutions
Example 4. The task with given final position:
Initial position

with given final position
Final position

Example 5

Example 6

Send your remarks, possible cooks and information about the time used for solving to: kovacevic.marjan@gmail.com.
All the details about genres, stipulations, and the time for solving will be announced on 1st May 2022.